🍊 Petros Tsiamparlis 🍊

SOG is proud to represent the Treasurer for the academic year of 2023-2024: Petros Tsiamparlis. Petros joined the SOG as he realized it is his bigger calling in life to, namely, represent the students of Groningen, and to contribute to a more active, and sustainable student life.

Characterized by his (in)famous mystique, and professionalism, Petros brings the mindset of a true salesman to the association this year, making a penguin in a tuxedo look casual.

Petros is currently pursuing his studies in law, which most likely contributes to his mysterious aura. You might catch him pondering life's mysteries, practicing his serious face, or contemplating whether to add a "HAHAHA" at the end of a text. He's got that whole enigmatic, cool vibe down to an art.

But behind that serious facade lies a dry sense of humor—think Sahara-level dryness. He's the type to crack a joke and then follow up with a deadpan, "That was a joke, by the way." In a world full of laughter, he's the island of solemnity.

One interesting fact about Petros is that he was once beaten in pool by SOG’s Anna Salzman.

Petros least favorite color is currently SOG Orange (😢). His mission for this upcoming year is to change the SOG colors to pink and purple. Whether he will be successful in this endeavour will be something the members must have to look out for.

Finally, Petros considers his weekends holy, and he retires his weekly phone in Diet Coke by 16.00 on Friday afternoons, followed by a morning unboxing of a brand new iPhone 15 at 07.15 on Monday mornings.

The SOG Board looks forward to work with Petros this upcoming year.

“Perfection is not attainable. But if it was, I would be a perfect example.”

— Petros Tsiamparlis