What is SOG?
Studenten Organisatie Groningen (SOG) is an advocacy association for students at the University of Groningen and consists of a Board, a Faction in the University Council, and various Committees. SOG represents the interests of all students in the University and beyond. SOG has no political color: everyone should feel at home with the association. In addition, SOG is politically and socially conscious, which is reflected through its low threshold and various organised activities. Furthermore, the Faction and the Board members are continually informed of matters related to the university and student facilities. This allows them to educate students about these issues and give them advice.
SOG as an Association
The main organ of the SOG is the General Members Assembly (GMA). The GMA appoints the Audit Committee, the supervisory organ of one of the two main components of the association: the Board. The responsibility of the Board is to ensure the smooth running of the association. The board also oversees the Event Committee and the Policy Committee.
The GMA approves of the Candidate Faction members before the University Council Election Week. The candidates that get elected takes a seat at the University Council. The main responsibility of the Faction is to ensure the daily safeguarding of student life within the Council. The Support Faction assists them in this.
SOG as a Student Party
Studenten Organisatie Groningen is the oldest Student Faction in the University Council. Since 1972, SOG is the party for all active students, staying in close contact with other student organisations within Groningen, but also in other student cities and on the national level. We are at the heart of the student community and strive to advocate the interest of students who do more than just studying. Also, SOG is an assertive and dynamic party which stays up to speed on the ever-changing reality of student life by actively engaging with the student body and being in tune with their wants and needs.
University Council
The University Council (UC) is the highest organ that represents both students and staff at RUG. It works closely with the Board of University (CvB) to help shape important strategies and policies. The UC has 24 elected members—12 students and 12 staff—who make sure the voices of the university community are heard by reviewing and questioning the Board’s decisions. The staff members are chosen once every two years and consist of two factions: the Personnel Faction with nine seats and the Science Faction with three seats. The student members get chosen every year and currently consist of three factions: SOG with three seats, Calimero with six seats, and De Vrije Student (DVS) with two seats. In the upcoming elections, student and staff seats will be chosen.
University council works in monthly cycles. Parts of this cycle are the committee meetings, internal council, and the plenary University Council.
In the first week, you receive the required documents. In the second week, you can ask questions about these documents during the committee meetings. In the third week, you can discuss your stances with the other factions during the Internal Council. Finally, in the fourth week, the official University Council will be held with everybody from the factions and Board present. This is a formal meeting in which decisions are being taken. Normally, all the agenda points have mostly been discussed in the previous meetings, supposedly making the official Council more streamlined. However, this doesn’t have to be the case, and therefore Council can take up most of the day.
The meetings of the committees and the Council are public and take place in the large meeting room of the Board’s building at the Muurstraat. Everyone is welcome to come by anytime you want, but there is limited space to attend physically. Therefore the council meetings are also live-streamed, and the meeting documents are publicly accessible.
The Board of University
The Board of the University (CvB) is the discussion partner of the Council. As a Council Member, you will be in a lot of contact with them. The Board consists of three members with their portfolios:
Chair: Prof. Dr. Jouke de Vries
Vice-Chair: Drs. Hans Biemans
Rector Magnificus: Prof. Jacquelien Scherpen
Within the University Services, there are also many co-workers responsible and very important for the functioning of the University and the Council.
The Studentassessor also advocates the interests of students and is in close cooperation with the CvB. The assessor is present at several meeting and committees, such as the weekly CvB meeting, and has a unique advisory role in the representation of students in Groningen. RUG has had a Studentassessor since 2010 and a different student fulfils this role each year.
Studentassessor: Mateo Bril